Battlezone 2 Download

Posted : admin On 11.12.2019
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Download and install to your Battlezone II directory. Made for BZ2 Public Beta Patch 1.3 (Alpha 5) Apr 27 2009 Patch The 1.3 alpha 5 patch for Battlezone II: Combat Commander. FleshStorm Jan 8 2008 FleshStorm Full Version A large mod that features a new campaign with 8 missions, 4 new races, 400+ new models and much more. Where can I get/download Battlezone 1 and 2? I've searched for torrents on google but haven't found any working ones. Can someone post a link or something? Unofficial BZIICC Patch v1.3.7.2 Aug 20 2019 Patch. The last known cumulative 'official' unofficial patch (maintained by one of the game's authors) for the classic BattleZone II Combat Commander that has.

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Free Battlezone 2 Download

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I still play this game, and the best part it is 2 of the original developers still make updates for the game, they're technically 'unofficial beta patches' because the studio no longer exists and I think Activision owns the IP now. Most recent update,, was released October 25 2016 <br /> <br />I'd really love a GOG release with the unoffical beta patches, multiplayer is very lonely and a rerelease will revive it <br /> <br />Just go to the Battlezone Forums for more info about the patch

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My dad and I played the hell out of the physical copy; so much so that the install codes wore off the disc! He literally played it for an hour a day for 10 years. Make my pa's (and my) day; get BZII.

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GoG: I WILL buy one or FIVE. <br /> <br />Please Bring this to GoG!!!! :-D

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I would love to have this game my computer will no longer play it because of the graphics card being fast I think but I cant get it to play I really love this game and would pay good money to be able to play it again

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Battlezone 2 Free Download

On the wishlist for what 3 years going on 4.. and where is it?

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If <a href='' target='_blank'></a> can ever sell this game it would be great if they include the modern patch: <br />* It replaces Gamespy with Raknet for online gaming. <br />* It makes this game work well in modern Windows operating systems. <br />* It adds voice chat support. <br />* It adds support for modern monitor resolutions. <br />* It adds lots of other new improvements. <br /> <a href='' target='_blank'><br /></a> <br /> <br />Battlezone 1.5 can be downloaded from here: <a href='' target='_blank'><br /></a> <br />

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I've never played it, but seeing some footage of it really makes me want to try it out! It'd be great if they could add it to GOG, they place where good old games never die..

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Would buy again, it is still a white elephant of a genre and a beast of a game (plus a modern mouse would handle the on-foot mouse aiming better)

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just today I remembered I wanted to look for this Good Old Game so I googled it with your initials and only found this topic. -.- the demand IS there, can you please get the legal rights to sell Battlezone 1 and 2? all of us would appreciate it and make our appreciation known to your bank account. ;-)

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If GoG manages to get Battlezone 2 on their site I will buy it so hard it'll leave a hole in space time from the impact of my wallet hitting it.

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One of my childhood sweethearts. I still look back fondly on this game.

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Sorry, my mistake. I search by bad column, not in wishlist by my mistake, so it didn´t find and after I post it and search it by right search column it was already too late

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I'll buy this just to have a copy. Played it 3 times, one of the rarest hybrids of RTS + FPS genres..

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Please get this game. You are going to make money. It's worth your time.

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Great game and community of developers extending its functionality. Wish this game was easier to get a hold of as it is truly a gem.

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I meant to say it can still be purchased via Ebay (not Amazon) for as little as $9. Search for Battlezone II on Ebay

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Just One Word: Please

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Battlezone 2 Comment burried. Unhide. .

This game beats the pants off Nuclear Dawn <a href='(' target='_blank'>(</a> which was cloned from Battlezone 2 twelve years later and still couldn't do everything Battlezone 2 could, or look as smooth, or have as engrossing immersion. I pity the youth who have to put up with modern games and miss out on legacy gems such as Battlezone 2. C'mon GoG, let's put them out of their mystery.

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Battlezone 2 Download Full

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This was always my favourite game of all time. Nothing like it anywhere!
