Learn Black Hat Hacking

Posted : admin On 12.02.2020

Category: Black Hat Hacking. Download Sentry MBA v1.4.1 – Automated Account Cracking Tool. Black Hat Hacking, Ethical Hacking Tutorials, Learn Ethical Hacking. Jun 02, 2018  by Ace Jun 18, 2017 Black Hat Hacking. Learn Ethical Hacking, Tips & Tweaks, Website Hacking 0 Making a backdoor through Image upload? Unable to upload your shell to the server? If yes, then no. How to Hack School System for Login Data? Network Penetration. By Ace Mar 31, 2017 Black Hat Hacking, Network Penetration. As you know, Hacking is an act of breaking into someone’s computer for personal or business gains. Hacking is termed as an evil thing to do, but that’s not the case. The real difference lies in the intention of the hacker. Based on the intention the Hacker can be classified into three categories that are listed below. Black Hat Hackers. Protect Your confidential data by Black hat hacking techniques and learn the methods of Facebook hacking. 2.6 (24 ratings) Course Ratings are calculated from individual students’ ratings and a variety of other signals, like age of rating and reliability, to ensure that they reflect course quality. Download Black Hat Python PDF. When it comes to hacking something, Python is there on the top of the list with hacking. Every hacker or penetration tester goes with python coding and scripts. Blackhat Hacking How to hack and not get caught Brady Bloxham Silent Break Security brady@silentbreaksecurity.com.

In the digital era that you live in, it’s always a good idea to know as much about computers and technology in general. The more you know how to do certain things the more it benefits you. You can either help others who aren’t too tech-savvy or get a better paying job.

Unfortunately, not everyone uses his/her tech skills to do good. Those people are called black hat hackers and are the ones responsible for stealing users Emails, credit card information, addresses, etc.

The white hat hackers are the people who use their hacking skills for good. They are the ones companies hire to try and break into their systems on purpose. They do this to find any weak points the system might have. If they find any, they report them to the company. But, Where can you learn ethical hacking?

Also Read:How to Learn Coding Online? – 13+ Excellent Programming Resource Websites

Learn the Basics of BLACK Hat Hacking secrets in Ethical Way. Protect Your confidential data by Black hat hacking techniques and learn the methods of Facebook hacking.


  • The Pro Review from TechReviewPro

Top 10 Best Ethical Hacking Sites to Learn White Hat Hacking for Beginners

Learning how to hack is complex, especially if you are a beginner. However, there are many white hat hacking sites that help you to learn to hack. So if you want to learn to hack like a pro, certainly you’ll have to start as a beginner sooner or later, so that you may become a pro later.

1. Hack This Site

Hack This Site is commonly known as HTS. This site is a security and hacking site that Jeremy Hammond created that teaches various levels of hacking. There are challenges for beginners and even advanced techies. Don’t worry; you won’t have the FBI knocking at your door since all of this works in a safe and legal environment.

Hack This Site has over 1,800,000 members that are in your same or similar situation. Hack This Site has all sorts of challenges that turn you into a great ethical hacker.

If you are a beginner you will start with basic and realistic challenges, then programming mission, applications mission, steganography mission and new missions. You can choose to be informed by accessing the site’s Blogs, News, Articles, Lectures and other resources.

To take advantage of the site you will need to create an account, but you can rest assure that you will always be browsing on HTTPS.

Also Read:17+ Excellent Websites to Create Your Own Cartoon Character – Cartoonize Yourself

2. Hack a Day

Learn The Basics Of Black Hat Hacking Secrets In Ethical Way

Hack a Day is another popular ethical hacking site that I think you are going to like. With this site, you get the latest in hacking news and tutorials on networks and hacking. If you want to be a part of a site where the hackers go for info, then this is your site. You will also receive all sorts of content that will get you on your way to becoming one of the top ethical hackers out there.

You get information such as computers networks, hardware hacking, signals and much more. All of the users of the site also get the latest hacking news on any cyber attacks that have occurred, so you will always be updated. If you have a hack that you would like to turn in, just click on the submit tab and send your hack in.

3. Hacking Tutorial

If you’re looking for an ethical hacking site where users are active with comments and all, then you’re going to love Hacking Tutorial. The site has an excellent design to accompany all the great ethical hacking tutorials you will find. The site has so many articles to offer that you won’t know where to start.

At the top of the blue bar, you will find all the categories the site has to offer. You can choose between topics such as hacking Tutorial, Hacking Knowledge, Phone Hacking, Hacking Widget, Online Tools, Tips and Tricks, and Free eBooks and Reports.

Hacking Tutorial offers you articles such as:

  • Increase WiFi Singal Strength TX-Power On Kali Linux
  • Blackberry Secret Codes
  • Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial Using Metasploit
  • Create Password Stealer Using VB Visual Studio.Net

All of the articles have the images you will need to understand what the tutorial is trying to teach you thoroughly. If you do run into something you don’t understand, you can always leave a comment and get the support you need.

4. Evilzone Forum

If you’ve already found your favorite ethical hacking site and you just need support from professional hackers, Evilzone is a good place to go. This is a site that encourages hackers to participate in the forum.

You will find an endless list if questions and answers to all sorts of topics. To raise your questions you will also need to register, but that is a small price to pay for the excellent knowledge you get in return.

The forum is divided into several sections such as Hacking and Security, Software and Tools, Beginners Corner, Network Security, Digital Forensics and much more! The ethical hacking site has colors that will not blind you since they only consist of, white text, and back and gray colors.

5. Learn Hacking

Learn Hacking may not be a forum, but it sure offers you some very useful ethical hacking tutorials. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or if you are an advanced hacker, there is something for everyone. In the beginner’s section, you can read articles for Antivirus, Cool Computer Tricks, Facebook Hacking, Internet Hacking, Video Game Hacking, Google Chrome Tricks, and more.

In the advanced hacking section, you can read articles on topics such as Pen Testing, Virus Hacking, Website Hacking, Linux Hacking, Backtrack Hacking, WiFi Hacking and more. If you also want to stay informed on the latest hacking news there is a section for that too.

6. HellBound Hackers

Just in case you’re not familiar with HellBound Hackers, it’s one of the most famous ethical hacking sites out there. On this site, you are going to find a large variety of security related problems alongside their solutions.

You can read up on topics such as Encryption, Programming, Cracking, etc. This ethical hacking site has the best design so far and colors as well. The site might look overwhelming for beginners, but if you Google the sites name you will get some useful options.

For example, you will see options for Discussions Forum, New to Hacking, Basic Web Hacking, What is Hacking, Articles, and FAQ. If you’re at the site’s main page, you will see a series of options such as Discussion Forum, Rooting Challenges, Submit News, Issues, Encryption and the list keeps going and going.

7. CEH: Certified Ethical Hacking Course

If you want to learn ethical hacking by taking an official and recognized course, them you need to visit CEH. The initials stand for Certified Ethical Hacker. Here you will learn from scratch everything an ethical hacker will know and you will even have a certificate to show off.

The purpose of the credential is to set up and govern minimum standards for credentialing professional into specialists in what is considered ethical hacking. At the end of the course, you will be given a 125 question exam that lasts four hours, The text delivery is ECC EXAM, VUE and is multiple choice.

8. Break The Security

The easier a site is to read the better. That’s what Break The Security is and much more. It’s a good looking ethical hacking site where you can get the latest in the hacking news, Hacking attacks, and tutorials that will teach you what you want to know. The site’s information is separated into three sections; Ethical Hacking, Hacking News, and Hacking Tutorials.

In this last section, you can learn everything a beginner needs to know such as What is Doxing, What is Computer Worm, Introduction to Cryptography and other basics you can’t leave behind. The site also offers courses you can take to become a certified ethical hacker.

9. Sec Tools

With so many threats out there, it’s only natural that many of us are worried about our security. When it comes to hacking, there is so much to learn, but you have to start somewhere. SecTools is that place where you can start and learn everything there is about network security.

The site offers you a large variety of security tools you can get to know. In each of the articles, you get a detailed explanation of what the tool is and what it is capable of doing. The articles also have user rating, Wikipedia link for more information, and a download link you have instant access to the tool.

It’s also a site with active members that may have the same questions as you. The site also offers you security tools such as Password Audit, Sniffers, Vuln scanners, Web Scanners, Wireless, Exploitation, Packet Crafters and more.

10. Hacker Academy Training Platform

There may be various places that can offer to give you a certificate when you complete their course. But if you want to go to a trusted name, you can go to Symantec and enjoy their Hacker Academy Training Platform. They have award-winning teachers that will not only teach you what you need to know, but they are also authors, developers and security practitioners.

In this hacker school, you will be placed in real-world scenarios so you can get your hands dirty. These live simulations are in interactive lab environments. It teaches you what you need to know by doing it and not just reading.

The ethical hacker school is not free, unfortunately. If you want to get the standard package ($49/Month) that includes:

  • Full access to all standard module and instructor-led videos
  • Downloadable hands-on labs to practice what you have learned
  • You can also track your progress with skills assessments as well

If you decide to go with the Pro package ($69/Month) you get:

  • Completion certificates
  • Cloud-hosted interactive labs accessible from anywhere
  • Downloadable hands-on labs to practice
  • Tracking how well you’re going with skills assessments
  • Full access to all standard module and instructor-led videos

If for some reason you are not happy with the course, the company has a very simple refund policy that allows you to cancel everything within 30 days. You won’t be asked to give any explanation.

Also Read: 11 Excellent Free Magic Tricks Sites to Learn Secret Magic Tricks and Hacks

The Pro Review from TechReviewPro

Thanks to these great ethical hacking sites you are going to be able to learn everything the black hat hackers know, but to use them for a good purpose. I guess it’s something like Star Wars; you can either choose to use the good side of the force or cross over to the dark side.

Hopefully, you will stay on the good guy’s side and help protect those who need protecting. Now it’s time to choose which one of all the ethical hacking sites options you are going to go with.

Some offer more than others, but the one you choose will depend if you are willing to cough up some cash or just learn on your own through reading and asking in forums. Which option do you think you are going to use?

Don’t Miss:

This Beginner’s Hacking Guide will definitely help you in learning to hack. I have tried to cover all the aspects that are required to become a hacker. This guide may not be helpful for an advance hacker but will definitely help a person who is new in the world of hacking. I have also added certain courses in between to help you learn better. These courses are paid but you can get maximum discount on these courses by checking the deal section of my website. So without wasting your time, let’s start with the tutorial.

The first and the primary thing is that you have to learn “Programming”. The reason behind learning programming is that each and everything that you see and use on the internet is nothing but programming.
For Example: when you press Ctrl+U of your keyboard then you will see some script popping up, in that is nothing but programming!

HTML and CSS are the most basic and primary languages you will see on every site… even when you visit your favorite site like Techtechnik(*cough*), Facebook, or any other site! Before starting this ‘awesome’ stuff, you have to learn at least some of the listed programming.

Before we get started let me familiarize you with the types of hackers and what image do they have in our world.

There exist three types of hackers to be precise. One, a good guy which we call them as “White-Hat Hackers”, other one is a mixture of good and bad and goes by the name “Grey-Hat Hackers” and the last is the bad guy which are knowns as “Black-Hat Hacker”. There is a misconception that people think hackers are the one which takes down big companies, hack into their system or install malware secretly and much more but those are not hackers but Crackers. Crackers are the guys who hack into things with evil intentions. So, don’t confuse between hackers and crackers!

White-Hat Hackers

These types of hackers are hired by big professional companies to hack into their systems and find loopholes and other shortcomings into their system as to protect themselves from Black-Hat Hackers. White Hat hackers have a good intention when hacking.

Grey-Hat Hackers

They are a mixture of Black-hat hacker and White-hat hacker. They may help you but generally for illegal reasons or with the intention to earn money. They might hack into the system without permission and may tell you the loopholes in exchange with money.

Black-Hat Hackers: They are the one who are willing to do worst things. They may take down your website or leak sensitive information. Their intentions are evil and it is advised to stay away from Black-Hat hackers.

Now after knowing the type of hackers, lets know some of the tools and programs used by them. Personally, I’ll refer you to some of the mind-blowing and cool programming languages that you must learn and also source or place from which you can learn them and get the best out of this hacking guide.

  • Web-Desing/Developing
  • HTML5 (Somewhat Easy)
  • CSS3 (Somewhat Easy)
  • JavaScript (Somewhat Easy – Average)
  • PHP (Somewhat Average – Hard)
  • MySQL (Somewhat Average – Hard)

Let me throw some light on these Languages:


It is the newest version of HTML, every paragraph, sentence or images that you see on the internet are made all in HTML, and the appearance or look, size, etc etc… are made in CSS.
So in short, HTML is the content and CSS is the layout (how it is designed). Here is an excellent tutorial that can be used to learn HTML5 in just 1 hour, just click on the pic and you will be directed to the course:


It is another most powerful and popular scripting languages used on the web… and is the oldest as the web is. And you can do some cool things with it such as making slideshows with it or open hundreds of tabs at once, with a simple easy trick. Here another great course to learn Javascript:


These are used for databases. Most of the chats/forums are based on PHP.
It will be really good if you understand those languages, they play very vital part in website security (especially MySQL). You should also not miss this course to learn MySQL and PHP.

If you get a small idea about computer programming it will be good for you.although you can’t make websites with them, but of course, you can make other nice things like apps, little programs, games, and viruses. too ;)
  • Batch (Easy)
  • C (Average)
  • Python (Easy)
  • Visual Basics (Easy with Visual Studio)

Let’s discuss computer languages more:


It is a much common language that is used worldwide, not for professional things, but for small fun and effective things.

Batch enables you to create small viruses or can make PC crash, however, this is not the primary purpose of Batch.


With C you can literally make anything and everything!
The only disadvantage about it is that you have to make a separate GUI for it, (Graphic User Interface). Go tgrough the below tutorial and enhance your C skills.

Visual Basics

It is also a great language, but it’s not that much easy.Visual Basics enables you to make your own professional app, a lot of RATs are made in Visual Basics, and you can make your own small browsers with it!

Learning Visual Basic .NET - A Guide To VB.NET Programming
  • Hackforums.net <of course!
  • Webdeveloper.com <Good for HTML & CSS
  • stackoverflow.com <’HQ’ forum
  • codecademy.com <interactive fun courses, good way to learn

and of course, you can Google them to learn!

When your device uses UVC, you do not need to supply your own driver. The UVC driver queries the hardware directly to obtain its capabilities and then drives the device, with no proprietary driver required.You can optionally extend UVC driver functionality to add vendor-specific processing.The following table shows support for UVC in different versions of Windows: UVC VersionWindows Vista/XPWindows 7Windows 8USB Video Class 1.5 (H.264 video codec)Not supportedNot supportedSupportedUSB Video Class 1.1Not supportedSupportedSupportedUSB Video Class 1.0SupportedSupportedSupportedBeginning with Windows 8, the H.264 video codec (encoder/decoder) is supported. Instead, the device works automatically with the system-supplied driver.In the USB Video Class model, vendors do not write drivers; instead, vendors implement video streaming hardware according to the guidelines in the. Usb video driver eeti. H.264 is an open standard that allows efficient video compression techniques for reducing the use of network bandwith and storage space.

You don’t have to do each and everything by yourself.it will be too lengthy and confusing, so there are people who have created and contributed …isn’t nice?
There are a lot of free programs available on net as well as in the market which will aid you in your journey.

I have listed some programs that you’ll definitely need for hacking.


Udemy Learn The Basics Of Black Hat Hacking

Darkcomet (RAT)
Hydra (Brute-force)

Let’s throw some light on each program:

Remote Administration Tool (RAT)

It is a program that enables hackers to control the PC of their victim.
The hacker gets victims (or better known as slaves) by spreading a Trojan, Trojan can be defined as a Malware(malicious software) that is made by a hacker Hackers spread their Trojan by mostly presented it as a helpful handy program so that other downloads it.!! But instead, that program became handy they give the hackers access to your computer. By this I mean that they have access to all your important files, keyboard, cam, mouse, edit your folders! To complete their objective hackers must make an undetectable Trojan so that antiviruses can’t detect it, hackers do that by encrypting it.
At present, Darkcomet is a good free RAT and easy to use.


is much easier than rat, all it does is it will records victim’s keys pressed from a keyboard and obviously can be used to find the password of your victim. An example of a key-logger is REFOG…


A brute force program forces a password to be a right brute.
To work with a brute-force program, first of all, you need some things: A Brute force program, of course, a password list, a username list (optional).
Hydra is an example of a brute-force program.
A password list is just a list of passwords…
The program will match and try every combination of the word in that list until he has found the good one.


A booter is a tool to DDoS! Well, let me tell you DDoS’ing is not Hacking!
Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS) is used to take a site’s servers down.
Whenever you open’s or visit a site you actually ping it with 32 bytes, then the site accepts that request and answers it. Each and every site or server wants to answer on every request it receives.
A DDoS is considered good if it contains 65000GB/second…and of course, the site or server can’t answer all those requests and it gets excited and finally taken off the internet. (Server becomes Down!).
A Botnet can help you to perform DDos, you just let each and every PC on your botnet pings that site. ;)
DoS (Denial of Service) is a sister of DDoS it isn’t distributed means that it is only performed from one PC, one network. You can do it simply with CMD > Ping example.com –t –l 65000) you can only take down small sites with it who has a low bandwidth (amount of visitors a site can take).

Virtual Private Network(VPN)

It is a very nice tool to hide your IP so that you can remain anonymous as an IP can be used to trace your physical location. Cyberghost5 is an example of a Free VPN.
But Be careful while choosing your VPN as there are some VPN’s that keep logs. That means that they keep your info and real location.

The most important thing for a hacker is to remain “anonymous” i.e when you will do any illegal activities or even any ethical stuff you won’t be caught by cops.

As I have already told you about a tool to hide your IP, a VPN, and Proxy as we have discussed above.
A VPN like I already explained hides your IP by connecting you to another server, a proxy actually does the same! :D
You only have to use a VPN or Proxy when you’re doing your activities, after them, you turn it off.

Let me explain it a bit. People will do everything to find you, so even a little mistake can lead you to cops or you can be found! You have to put people on a dead track.

Whenever planning to do some hacking stuff you start your PC on with a proxy, and then do you work and then turn off the proxy after completing the work and don’t use internet for 20-30 mins after that, you start it up without any proxy, and do your legal normal things.

You can hack with a number of methods, I have listed some of them

  • Wi-Fi hacking
  • RAT-infecting
  • Key-logging
  • SQLi
  • E-whoring
  • Brute-Forcing
We have already discussed some of these methods but we have also included some new thing like SQLi, Wi-Fi hacking, and e-whoring.

SQL injection, in short, is called SQLi, and actually, means hacking of the database of a website.
All you need to do it is just a Browser that’s it!
It also not that hard at all. You play with the URL of the website so the result are the content of the database.
Wi-Fi is actually a wireless router. And you can hack it by using any brute-force program like Hydra but there are also special programs for it like Reaver.

E-whoring is another thing that I will not consider as a hacking method but you should learn it.
Most of the time hackers act like they are girls or women in chat rooms, they got fake and hot videos, pictures and webcam videos of girls too. Now, as men will be men, they pay a lot of money for more pictures and videos or even sometimes send money to the hacker (fake girl).

Well, You must have gained some knowledge about hacking from his hacking guide, but the point is where you are going to use this knowledge is most important?
Will you use this knowledge for good ethical purposes?
Or by doing harm to innocent people?
It’s entirely your choice what hat to wear “Blackhat” or “White hat”
If you choose to wear a black hat you will be involved in all illegal activities related to hacking and of course, you could get messy with governments or security agencies or cops
If you choose to wear the white hat, this includes all legally authorized activities.
But of course, your choice is really important and can be life-changing.
But if you choose to be a White Hat and use your knowledge for ethical purposes, cops, of course, won’t be after you.
Even when you do un-authorized things for good, your punishment would be really small or even none. ;)

I hope you found my Beginners hacking guide a bit interesting and helped you! :D

Any suggestions are appreciated! ;)

Thanks for reading.